
Home - Workshops

Ákos Hivekovics

the global portfolio

The primary goal of this website is to share my extensive global environmental experiences through the power of images. Using workshops, blogs and podcasts, I also hope to educate about the many ways we can change our Planet's future and create a sustainable, liveable and enjoyabe place for ourselves and for our fellow creatures. Besides educating about these options, I am also managing a handful of companies that work tiredlessly on making this future a reality.

Latest posts

  • Finally! It is launched!

    After nearly three years of preparations (!), I am delighted to announce that my global portfolia website is now live and available! This short notice is the first of hopefully many blog posts to come. My global photo collection is going online, through a process that begins today with the publication of a little-known national park in the country of Benin: Pendjari NP. Enjoy ... !


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Email: office (at)

Facebook: #hivekovics

Instagram: #hivekovics


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