Laboureur Camp

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Laboureur Camp

Laboureur Camp

On Kerguelen Island you will find the Laboureur hut in Bras Jules Laboureur. The island is about the same distance from the Arctic Circle as London is from the North, but the landscape and the weather are much harsher: no trees, no bushes, only tufts of short yellow grass in a landscape of naked, black rocks. The Kerguelen cabbage, a unique but rather uninspiring plant that apparently has some nutritional and anti-scorbutic value, is an exception to the general sterility. King Penguins and Gentoo Penguins share much of the coastline with Elephant Seals, and there are important albatross breeding colonies. In the cliffs behind Cabane Laboureur you can see a nesting pair of Light-Mantled Sooty Albatrosses.