Île de la Possession

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Île de la Possession

Landscape images of American Bay on Possession Island in the Crozet Archipelago in France (2011)

Île de la Possession

Île de la Possession or Possession Island is located in the Subantarctic Crozet Archipelago. The island is an important breeding ground for seabirds. Île de la Possession, about 20 km west of Île de l'Est, is located in the eastern group of the archipelago. It is the largest island of the group with an area of 150 km2. The landscape is rugged, with mountains cut by deep glacial valley, and herbaceous subantarctic vegetation covers the coastal areas and valleys. Except for the staff of a research station, it is uninhabited. The Alfred Faure Research Station is located at the eastern end of the Île de la Possession, at an altitude of 143 m above the Baie Marin. It accommodates up to 45 visiting personnel and consists of about 12 main buildings. The island is recognized by BirdLife International as a key breeding site of marine birds, with at least 26 species breeding on the island. Relatively large numbers of birds nest here, including King, Macaroni Penguins, Northern Rockhopper Penguins, Wandering Albatrosses, Sooty Albatrosses, Light-Mantled Albatrosses, Medium-Billed Prions, Northern Giant Petrels, Kerguelen Petrels, Soft-Plumaged Petrels and South Georgia Diving Petrels. Southern Giant Petrels, Gray-Headed Albatrosses and Kerguelen Terns also breed on the island in smaller numbers. Residents include Crozet's Blue-Eyed Shags, Black-Faced Sheathbills and Eaton's Pintails. Due to their vulnerability to rat predation at lower altitudes, the smaller birds nest only at higher altitudes. The island is also home to both Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Fur Seals, as well as Southern Elephant Seals.