
Home - Polar regions - Eureka

Images of Eureka Weather Station in Canada (2007)


Eureka is a small research base located on the Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, Canada. The base is located north of the Slidre Fiord, which flows into Eureka Sound further west. Eureka is the third northernmost permanent research community in the world, the only other two further north being Alert, also located on Ellesmere Island, and Nord, in Greenland. Eureka is known as the 'The Garden Spot of the Arctic' because of the abundance of flora and fauna in the area, more than elsewhere in the High Arctic. The wildlife includes Musk Oxen, Arctic Wolves, Arctic Foxes, Arctic Hares and lemmings. Additionally, in summer, nesting geese, ducks, owls, loons, ravens, gulls and lots of other small bird nest, raise their young and then return south in August.