On the northern coast of Socotra Island lies the principal city of Hadibu, the second largest town is Qalansiyah and the third is Qād̨ub. Qulensya is located in the north-western corner of Socotra, at the end of the central Hajhir Mountains overlooking the town. It lies on a comparatively fertile plain in comparison to the rest of the island. The territory around Qulensya is home to a number of petroglyph sites dating back to an unspecified period. One of them, Simar Qar, is located 16 kilometers to the west of the town. It is made up of what looks like an altar stone and two domes of rock with letters carved into the sides. In 1900, a second site, referred to as Haida, was discovered north of the town, heading towards the mountains, although its specific location is unknown. On this site, they found inscriptions that were thought to come from either a late Himyaritic or an Ethiopic script.